Well, I was wrong in telling McCain there would be new issues thrown at him last night, so maybe the cards were wrong in predicting a change of address for Obama, too. From the part I watched, last night, it was not a town hall forum! It was Tom Brokaw doing what Tom Brokaw does...make it as boring as possible. He was supposed to have had thousands of questions from which to choose, so why did he choose to ask the same tired old questions that have been asked and answered and asked and lied about and asked and distorted already! We taped it because we have to get up early so only watched part, but I'm even wondering if it's worth our time to watch the rest of it. Same old same old. Or as some say, different day same shit, or in the case of these two same old bullshit. Nothing new was said, nothing new learned, and I have a feeling most of the people watching fell asleep in their easy chair or couch.
Now onto the polls. Yesterday Obama was 8 points ahead and the media was already crowning him president. In todays daily poll summary McCain has closed the gap royally! Obama is now at 48% and McCain at 45%. So, what happened? They are saying it is simply a correction after a time when Obama had a considerable gain in a short time. They are implying that McCain is not gaining support, nor Obama losing support which I find interesting, because when Obama goes ahead it's all about momentum and how the tide is turning his way with the voters and everyone is turning towards him for leadership, blah, blah, blah. But when McCain makes a push in the polls it's just a correction and not a show of the tide turning towards him. You gotta love the press!!! They are now saying Obama will win because his supporters will turn out to vote and the McCain supporters will stay home. Hmmmmm.... first they predict the winner before the fat lady sings and now they're trying to discourage McCain voters from getting out there. So, I encourage all of you to show them how wrong they are! Get out and vote! We may be old but dang nabbit we still have a lot of spark left in us!
lol! You go woman! You are always so right on the mark. I enjoy reading your blog and your interesting and insightful remarks and thoughts. Keep on writing for us.
I agree, there's still lots of time before the election. And yes I noticed the polls closing in the general poll. But then, you said on my blog that the media has declared Obama the winner. But the media conducted the polls you quote too.
Oops, hit send too soon. I meant to mention that the general polls don't take the states into consideration and state by state is what counts. If nothing changes at this point, the electoral map puts him maybe one state away from winning. And check out http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/ This guy is nonpartison, from a sports betting background, and has an AMAZING amount of statistics out there. I'm afraid I'll waste my whole day off there tomorrow.
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