Monday, October 6, 2008

Tarot Readings for Tuesday nights debate

Since tomorrow evening is the second presidential debate I decided to have some fun and pick up an old hobby/craft of mine and do a tarot reading for each. From the reading I will give each advice on what they need to do tomorrow night. This is just for fun so I don’t want anyone get their undies in a knot. This is just for giggles and grins.

First McCain: I use the five card spread because it’s the easiest next to a quick one card read. I’ll also condense so you don’t have a huge missive to read.

The center card is the present – the first card turned is good news for McCain – the six of wands is the lord of victory and stands for success and great public acclaim.

The second card to the left of the center card represents past influences – we drew the six of swords here but it came up reversed and in this position it means there were unexpected developments and a need for continuing strength and effort in overcoming these developments.

The third card to the right of the center card represents the future and here we draw the nine of cups which represents and assured future and physical well being. It also represents overcoming difficulty.

The fourth card below the center card is the card of the reason behind the reading and will shed light on the number two draw. The card drawn was again drawn reversed and this one is The Sun and shows troubled partnerships and marriages. Broken engagements and contracts. Relationship difficulties and misjudgments.’

The fifth card is above the center card and shows the potential within the situation – and I don’t think a more perfect card for John McCain could have been drawn. The last card is the King of Cups which represents a person who commands respect, not love. A man of business or law who is a skilled negotiator. A person who has arrived at a position of power by use of brains, not brawn.

Okay, now onto Obama and then my take on the readings.

The center card is The Page of Wands but is drawn reversed. In this position it shows a man of honest qualities that may turn to petulance. He believes he is trustworthy while being unfaithful. A person unable to keep a confidence and who betrays trust. This card can also indicate a change of address.

The second card – the three of swords – again reversed – spiritual and mental confusion. Loss of discord. Treachery.

The third card – The Knight of Pentacles – upright – this represents an impassive and indifferent person who doesn’t always appreciate the feelings of others. He is a very traditional person, clever in monetary affairs, hardworking, and patient.

The fourth card – Interesting draw – this one is The Lovers – which represents harmony and union, choices made with intuition not intellect. There is a test involved regarding commitments. Abstract thought and a possible struggle between two paths.

The fifth and last card – The last card drawn, the Seven of Wands, is drawn reversed which represents a lack of decisiveness that causes a challenge to be lost. Indecision and retreat. Opportunities lost through hesitation. Success against a powerful competitor may be achieved through sustained effort.

Okay, now my advice to each, of what they need to do tomorrow night, based on these readings. First John McCain: Don’t go into this expecting pat questions with pat answers. Be prepared to have some new issues thrown at you to which you will need honest, concise, and intelligent answers. This won’t be a cake walk. Be prepared for questions about past business dealings and relationships that may not seem so up and up. You need to explain and be clear and honest. Some obstacles are going to be set tonight so don’t appear nonchalant and uncaring. Speak directly to your opponent when speaking about him and don’t just spout off rhetoric and numbers. Be human and show the caring side of John McCain. Show the John McCain who cares and not the one who just wants to get a one upmanship on Obama. This isn’t a pissing contest. It’s a presidential debate. Your future card shows an assured future and good physical well being as well as victory. You will have a happy ending to your venture.

Now to Obama – There are also obviously some things in your past that still need looked at and explained. You need to overcome the feeling you give of being cold and uncaring and just out for the win. Again this isn’t a pissing contest so my advice to you is to stop lecturing and finger pointing (literally!) and get real again. Show compassion instead of just trying to find fault with your competition. When asked an unexpected question don’t hem and hah and hesitate but go right into an answer and whatever it is be confident without coming off as pompous. And you will get some unexpected questions either tomorrow night or in the near future. Your cards show a change of address so take that as you will.

Both candidates have issues that need resolved and both need to learn to behave a bit more humanly and a little less like two guys slugging it out in a bar – my dick’s bigger than yours syndrome. Both need to show a more human side – McCain by looking at his opponent and Obama by not lecturing with his finger shaking at the audience as if they were badly behaved school children. Each has a good future and a good outcome to this regardless of how it ends.

Well, as I said this is all for grins and giggles so I hope you all had some fun with it. Good luck to both candidates tomorrow night and I hope they both watched the VP debate and learned something from how their running mates conducted themselves.


Victoria said...

Hey, a change of address for Obama. I think 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC sounds good. <-;

Bonnie said...

LOL... but it also predicted victory for John McCain... are they going to share the presidency?

Victoria said...

You were asking about the DEBATE, "I will give each advice on what they need to do tomorrow night." The election is a different matter. <-;

Victoria said...

Just for fun I looked at their Yahoo! horoscopes for today too:

Aug 4, 1961 Obama Leo
Slow down, and realize how confused someone might be.
You might want to not push quite so hard with someone you value. Your creativity surges, but a risk could be a bad problem. Listen to others’ money ideas. Take your time.

Aug 29, 1936 McCain Virgo
You might want to re­think a decision and not cause yourself a problem. Sometimes your imagination can take you down a very wild and different path. The unexpected action of a friend, loved one or associate might cause a jolt out of the blue.