Friday, October 3, 2008

VP Debate

I'll post more over the weekend, but wanted to post something now while I'm still smiling over the VP debate. After the boring fiasco of the first Presidential debate I wasn't sure what to expect last night. From the media talk I expected a Biden who tripped over his own tongue and couldn't get his words straight and a Palin who would do nothing but stare into the camera. Well, good for both of them proving the media wrong. Okay, so at one point he got a chuckle out of me when he couldn't say Obama and took two or three tries to get it right. And yes, she cracked me up by saying Obiden. He did stumble over his words a bit, but not to the extent I thought he would. And Palin surprised and amazed me with her poise and skill. So, I say they were both winners last night. He scored more points on dry numbers and facts, but she scored big on connecting with real people on real issues. He showed his expertise and longevity in the govt. by knowing a lot of facts and yes, misrepresenting some very skillfully. But when it came down to the nitty gritty he couldn't best her and that spoke volumes for her ability to think on her feet. At first he had a look of a big brother thinking isn't she cute, but as I watched and she wasn't the scared deer in the headlights he had been lead to believe she was you could see the respect growing in his eyes as he looked and listened. In the end I got the feeling they genuinely liked each other and respected each other and that raised them both up in my opinion. I'd like to see more of these two feisty people than more of the same old same old from McCain and Obama. More on particular points over the weekend.

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