Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Happy 60th Birthday to me!!!!

Just in case a few have missed the announcements today is my 60th birthday! I thought I would be feeling depressed or nostalgic for the old days, but instead I feel excited! I can't explain it, but when I look back I don't see time lost or wasted, but a life filled with adventures. I have a friend here, who once commented on my boring life, and I thought, oh how little you know me. Okay, so maybe now my life is a series of open mics, plays, wine tastings, and days out on the town with friends, but there is so much more to me. My life has been a series of events and I have learned from every one of them. When I hear people say they wish they were twenty or thirty again I ask why? You've already been there, done that, for me the excitement of life is not looking back or wanting to go back, but wondering what new adventure awaits around the next corner. So, today I celebrate 60 with a smile, a laugh, and a great deal of joy. I have embraced life and life has embraced me. I have lived so many lifetimes in these short 60 years and I wouldn't trade one them in for more years. So Happy 60th Birthday to me!!!!

Of course, as my mathematician husband likes to point out... I am no longer in my prime.


Priscilla Moorhead said...

Happy Birthday Bonnie, You're aging well! Remember, "We don't stop laughing because we get older, we get older because we stop laughing". Enjoy life and you'll never be "old". I'm with you, I think this stage of life is exciting. Do something you really enjoy for your birthday.

hope said...

Gee, is Mr. Math still in his prime...not mathematically speaking? :)

Hope you had a WONDERFUL day and many more follow. And I agree, why would anyone want to be 20 again?! Yikes!

Victoria said...

In fact, 60 is SOOO not prime that it has 12 factors:

1, 60, 2, 30, 3, 20, 4, 15, 5, 12, 6 and 10