Sunday, February 17, 2008

Straw Poll and other political statements

My cats have taken a straw poll! I take a lot of them online, so thought it was time to post the results of the one the cats have been running. It all started with the glass of straws I keep on top of the microwave. These are there because there are times I don't feel like eating and have an Ensure instead. I find they taste better with a straw...drinking through a straw. The cats have discovered the straws are fun to play with and chew on. So one by one they remove them from the glass. Once the straw is destroyed they find another. I've been very sick the past week, so haven't done a lot of cleaning, but yesterday decided I must get somethings done. One was to sweep up all the straws. Since they are various colors I decided to hold a straw poll for the upcoming election. Pink for Hillary, Blue for Obama, Green for McCain and Blue for undecided. Hillary came in first with 16 straws. McCain came in second with 12, undecided was just ahead of Obama by one straw - 5 to 4. So according to my cats straw poll Hillary Clinton will win this election.

Now onto the other political statements. I have come to the conclusion that with the democrats white males need not vote. Why you ask? Because even though (yeah, right) this race isn't about Race or Gender all we hear from the pundits is The Black Vote - the Women's vote - pandering to these for the IMPOORTANT votes. So, I say to white males - obviously the Democrats don't care about your voice and your vote, so maybe this election you should give them what they want and let them hear just how loud a silent voice can be.

On the Republican side all you hear is the Evangelical votes vs the non-evangelcial christian votes. So, I say to all Atheists, let them hear just how loud your silent voices can be at the polls.

If all these voters don't go to the polls, maybe, just maybe both parties will realize they need ALL Americans if they want to make things happen, not just certain demographics.

In the 1960's we had a saying - what if someone through a war and nobody came? Well, what if someone had an election an nobody came?


Victoria said...

Well, given the record numbers of people going to the polls, this will NOT be an election where nobody comes. "Nobody came" (or only about half the eligible voters) last time and look what we ended up with for president. If you don't go to this election you'll miss out on being part of history.

And I think the point you are missing is that Hillary and Barack AGREE on most issues that Democrats agree on, and therefore it does come down to petty things in deciding. It's the first time I've actually read policy statements in order to try to decide for whom to vote because on the surface they both share my beliefs.

Getting the "black vote" or "women's vote" is no different from any other election, it's just that in this election it MEANS SOMETHING!!! For the first time, I think my vote WILL count, instead of only having white male votes count.

It's going to be an exciting election season. Be happy! Stop sniping! Go campaign for someone you DO like. Maybe Ron Paul -- given your views you really SHOULD look at him as a possible person to support. But personally, I hope your cats are right!!

hope said...

I like Ron Paul as well...not because he's a Republican, [I'm an Independent, I couldn't care less one's party affiliation] but because he has COMMON SENSE! Man, what a concept...a President who can listen to the people and rationalize. Sadly he won't get the nomination but it gives me hope.

I'm still doing my homework but I will vote, that's for sure!

Bonnie said...

Stop sniping! Go campaign for someone you DO like. Maybe Ron Paul -- given your views you really SHOULD look at him as a possible person to support.

Victoria, you better have been smiling when you wrote that :-). But, yeah, I do like Ron Paul! But I also like Hillary. I just wish we would get away from the 'we're making history' and get to the nuts and bolts of the issues. History is made every day. This shouldn't be the focal point of the election. The state of the country and the issues of the country should be the focal point.