Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Promise Kept

Every morning, when I go out to get the paper,I am greeted by a beautiful bird sitting on the buses next door. She watches me and never flies away. Each morning I promise myself the next day I will get my camera and take a picture. But of course there is so much to do in the morning finding those extra moments is almost impossible. So, this morning I said the heck with it. If I get behind I get behind but I was determined to get that picture. So there she sits for everyone else to enjoy, too.

1 comment:

hope said...

Looks like your feathered friend might be a Mockingbird. They're very territorial...and perhaps living where you snapped the photo. :)

I have one Mockingbird [amongst many!] that likes to remind me that the Dogwood is his domain..until the leaves fall off and he and the little lady move into the azalea bush next to it.