Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Political Junky Protests

Okay, so we all knew weeks ago that Obama was going to win the SC democratic primary. We were even told it would be a win of 32% over Hillary Clinton and that Edwards would come in third. Okay, but knowing that still didn't mean we political junkies didn't want the usual build up. During every other primary we got to see the numbers come in, the little map get filled in, and even though we knew who was going to win they at least waited awhile to announce a winner. Did we get that here? No! The polls closed at 7 PM and at 7:01 they announced Obama as the winner. I need my fix!!!!!!!

I have watched football games when I knew the predicted winner and I even knew by how many touchdowns or field goals they were predicted to win by. But I watched because I could still watch the score build up, go back and forth and maybe, maybe see a different outcome than projected. But even if it turned out to be as predicted I at least had the adrenaline rush of not really knowing until the end.

It's the same with these primaries for me. Even if I know the predicted winner, and let's face it with 51% of the voters in SC being black it was a shoe in for him. And that's the way it went. The black vote went solidly for the black candidate, while the white vote was evenly divided amongst all three. But, we knew that would happen, so no big surprise. It was just such a let down to sit down to watch the returns come in county by county only to have my high taken away, but the brutal media who had to destroy the build up for us junkies.

What I realized last night is whoever said it's not the destination, but the journey, knew what they were talking about. I realized it didn't matter to me who won the primary (the destination), but I needed that fix...that build up as the counties came in one by I have to wait until tuesday for the Florida primary!!! And yes, everyone who knows me, knows I even watch the republican primaries because I get the same political junky fix from them. So, no, it isn't the's the journey.

Congratulations to Barack Obama...but in the words of another famous person... it aint over 'til it's over. Go Hillary!!!! On to Florida!! And the most exciting part about all this is due to my political junky status, they are honoring my 60th birthday by holding super tuesday on that day!!! Wow!!!! I am so humbled!!


Anonymous said...

We will see what is what the night of the Birth of the Zeph (Feb 5)

Bonnie said...

I just hope I don't OD!!!