...and why I have chosen to back him. I have recently posted some responses from news medias on the internet as a build up to my own comments. In a recent discussion with my sister, Victoria, via a scabble game of course, she asked why I had chosen McCain and I gave her a list of reasons. She said my reasons made sense, not that she agreed with my choice, but suggested I now start to post my reasons here. So here they go. I will not post it all here in this one missive as it would be too much to read at once and I for one hate to those looooonnnng missives and tend to either skip them or scan then. BTW, if you are for Obama and would rather read about him click on Victoria's name and check out her blog.
So here are some issues that are important to me.
It's the economy stupid! John McCain has had more experience working with the government and has not tolerance for pork barrel spending. He is stronger in his determination to remove this and veto all excess spending and bring the economy back under control. Also, I feel he is most sincere and determined to not raise our taxes and I have no problem with giving tax breaks to corporations to keep them in America or to encourage them to bring their business back to America and give jobs to American's who will then have more money to spend thus making the economy even stronger. Yes, he made jokes in the past about not knowing much about the economy, but in all seriousness I feel more comfortable that he would be the one to turn things around for us again.
Off shore drilling - I know a lot of environmentalists are against this, but hey, we can't have it both ways. Yes, we need to develop other energy sources, but in the meantime John McCain is more realistic realizing we have to drill at home. We can't say we don't want to be so dependent on foreign oil but don't drill in my backyard. Nuclear power is a clean source of energy and McCain has the plan to deal with this that also includes taking care of the environment and yes, we can have both. Remember, he has been a leader in the global warming issues and has had gone against Bush's stance that there is no such thing. He is one of the true biparitisan candidates on a lot of issues and that makes me feel comfortable. He won't be a blind follower of party policy but will do what is best for America, not what is best for the republican party.
I am a strong believer that our borders must be secured and John McCain has spoken strongly about the failure of our govt. to get those borders secured. I have nothing against immigration! Don't get me wrong. Those who come to our country legally, learn our laws, our language, work legally, open businesses, buy homes, cars, pay taxes, etc have the same rights as anyone born here. But the illegals are ruining our economy by taking jobs that YES Anerican's would do, but the illegals work for a lot less as they take the money or send the money back to Mexico where the American dollar is worth much more than it is here. They collect welfare, get free medical care by walking into an emergency room for any illness because you can't be turned away. Many of our ER's have been closed because they couldn't afford the cost of caring for these nonpaying patients.
Okay...that's enough for now... more to follow. Agree or disagree that is your right. But this is my time to make my statements and my stance on why I have chosen to back one candidate over the other.