I wasn't going to write anything about this because I figured the media would be all over it and it would be a 24/7 update on all the news stations. Instead they are molly coddling this cowardly terrorist who opened fire on a roomful of UNARMED people. Some are even trying to make him the victim and not even mentioning the 31 he injured and 13 he killed. Does anyone know their names? It's poor Nidal Malik Hasan. He was so upset over the thought of being deployed to Afghanistan and posted on the web he could not kill fellow Muslims. That he believed in their cause and felt the suicide bombers were doing the right thing.
He purchased the guns days in advance. He gave away all his belongings to a neighbor saying he would no longer need them. He passed out the Koran and preached Muslims as in the right. He entered the base with his military identification and carried unauthorized weapons with him. He stood up from his desk and proclaimed Allah is good and opened fire. This is not a random act of a man who suddenly cracked as some are trying to say, but the planned act of a terrorist who knew what he was doing and planned on dying a hero in the eyes of fellow Muslims.
Thank goodness for the bravery and forethought of a young female police officer, who even after having been wounded herself by this coward, had the guts to fire back and wound him to put him out of commission.
U.S. News "Cone also said that a female officer who was thought to be the first responder shot Hasan and was herself wounded and had undergone surgery at a hospital. It was not clear if the officer was a military policewoman or a civilian officer."
Oh, and what was resident Obama's response to this horrible tragedy? To this massacre of brave American military personnel, on American soil, on an American base?
Don't jump to conclusions. Oh wow! gee... like he didn't when Sgt. James Crowley (a white cop) was forced to arrest Professor Gates (a black man) because Gates himself made such a scene when the officers responded to a call by a neighbor of a possible break in at his home. The snippet is he was new to the neighborhood, had been away, returned home late, the lock didn't work so he broke in. When asked for identification he threatened the officer asking do you know who I am? Screaming actually and calling the cop a racist. Okay... so Obama immediately sides with the black professor and when he find he was in the wrong does he apologize? No, he calls a beer conference. HUH???
So, what are you going to do now mr. don't jump to conclusions obama. call a beer conference between this cowardly murderer, if he survives, and the brave people he killed...oh wait...their dead...I guess it would have to be the grieving familes of the brave people he killed. And what? Ask them to understand this poor misunderstood muslim coward and forgive him for the cold blooded murders of their children?
Addendum: I wanted to respond to Victoria stating that the majority of news stations were reporting this as a terrorist act and stating this coward was a muslim here so I could post the link showing this is not true. Of the networks reporting 85% never mentioned the word terror or called it a terrorist act and only 28% mentioned the muslim connection. We heard this on the news last night and I also found a link here on the internet. We watch many different news reports and were shocked to find out how little coverage this actually got.
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Bravo, Bonzai!!!
You must be reading/listening to things that I am not hearing. I hear the media constantly talking about his muslim background and possible terrorist links.
And personally, I like to believe we live in a country of laws where no one jumps to conclusions, but follows due process. He will be charged, he will be found guilty and he will be executed. Even if guilty, I do not believe in lynchings.
But the big thing I don't understand why so much has been said about the fact that Nidal Malik Hasan is Muslim, but it took me three internet searches to find out what kind of gun he used. He bought this gun legally. You too can buy one for $1049.99. Even if you believe in the right to bear arms, should an armor piercing self-loading gun be included in that right? And should you be able to buy one over the internet?
Check it out:
I wonder what nonsense this "Victoria" would have been spouting about due process etc if she lived in Germany when the Nazis first took over. It would be interesting. Obstinate liberals truly are blind to reality and will someday be swept away by those they feel a stubborn need to protect. Oh well evolution at work I guess.
Vic, I responded to your comment with an add on to the original post to include a link.
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