Thursday, August 13, 2009

Healthcare in plain English?

As I listen to all the debates and questions and answers regarding this so-called healt care reform bill what is most blatant is it seems none of the govt. officials involved have any idea what this bill is all about.

Take the question on illegal aliens, for example. When asked if the new bill would cover illegal aliens the speaker of the house gave this response.

KING: What about illegal immigrants, what should happen to them if we have national health care reform? Should they be able...
PELOSI: I'm sorry?
KING: Illegal immigrants.
PELOSI: Illegal immigrants?
KING: If you're in this country illegally, should you be able to get health care?
PELOSI: No, illegal immigrants are not covered by this plan.

Pelosi knew just what the interviewer meant—her questions made a subliminal statement. Like other politicos from both parties, Pelosi refuses to uphold laws governing immigration.

and then went on to say the following:

KING: And so what happens to a public hospital then if they walk into the emergency room? Again, the hospital I was at this week, they said, you know, they do 6,000 births a year there and 70 percent of them are for undocumented.
PELOSI: I don't know about that. But I do know that the law requires that if somebody comes in off the street and needs care, that it is extended. What we see in this legislation is that people will have access to affordable health care, and it will diminish the number of people going into those private -- public hospitals in the manner in which you described.

So basically the illegals will still get to drain our system by receiving free health care that we the American citizens will pay for. And how is that different from the current healthcare?

There are many other confusing issues. Abortion will be covered but not paid for by the taxpayers. But it's the taxpayers who are paying for the plan!

First, we checked a claim by Rep. John Boehner that the plan would require Americans to "subsidize abortion with their hard-earned tax dollars." While there are several versions of the health care plan floating around Congress, and it seems that full abortion coverage would be permitted in the government-sponsored program, we didn't see anything in them that would put taxpayers on the hook for subsidizing abortions. In fact, we found an amendment in a key version of the House plan that specifically seeks to ensure that federal funds are not used to subsidize abortion coverage.

So are abortions covered? if so who is paying for them? and who decides who can have an abortion? If we want to keep the government out of our wombs, as we used to say when pro-choice was born, aren't we letting them in even deeper with this health care reform? bill?

I watched the town hall meeting with Arlen Specter and he hemmed and hawed and sputtered and stammered and finally admitted there wasn't even a bill before congress right now so no one was clear on what was going to be in it in the end. No one understands it as written and no one knows what or who it will cover and yet we debate it day in and day out.

Give me the facts, not the rhetoric. Wtite the bill in plain English so even those of us who don't have college degrees can understand it. Oh, and then, let US vote on it since it will affect us...the general know of the people, for the people, etc. It certainly won't affect those who are attempting to shove some garbage down our throats because they already have a great healthcare plan.

Which leads me to one final question. We are told we can choose between our current plan and the govt plan, but if we lose our current plan we must opt into the govt plan. And if you don't you will be fined. So there really is no choice. You can't choose to self insure, you can't choose a private insurer if you lose your current insurance...oh my! this is confusing! no one has given a straight answer on that one either.

According to CNN we stand to lose many freedoms under the Obama plan.

So I ask again...please write this in plain english, keep it under 25 pages, and put it out where the public can find it, read it, and then let us be the ones to decide if we want it. This is still America and we should still have freedom of choice. I want the right to choose. Why does the govt. think it knows better than I do what would be best for me?


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