Monday, July 6, 2009

Tuesday newsday June 30th

Yea, this was my post and yes I did forget to go back later and put in a response. So here is my response to my last tuesday newsday post that dealt with the cap and trade tax... I mean bill :-).

The question is not whether we need a cap and trade bill. How do you feel about this new bill?

There's an old line that a rose by any other name will smell as sweet and that holds true here as well. A tax by any other name still stinks. Yes, they are making it look good on paper that it's the big businesses that will be taxed... I mean will be capped on the emissions they are allowed to emit, but the costs to them will be astronomical even with the trade for greenhouse gas credits. And who will end up paying? Not the businesses? They will simply do what they have always done and pass the additional charges onto the us...the public. And who will be hurt most by these increases for products and services? The poor and the lower middle class! The ones Obama said he would not put any additional burden on during his reign of terror... I mean power. Yet, every time we turn around the changes he is making are hurting mainly the poor and lower middle class. Can we afford to do this now with the economy sinking into a swamp of deficits, out of control spending, bailing out of banks and auto makers who end up squandering the money? The answer to anyone with common sense is of course not! No, not now Mr (p)Resident. As I said anyone with common sense would see the disastrous outcome this would have right now.

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