Wednesday, November 5, 2008

It's finally over - my voting experience and other stuff

Well, America is still a democracy and in a democracy majority rules and the majority chose the zero (no experience, clueless) person over a real American hero. But, we must accept their decision and remind them to be careful what they ask for they just might get it. And the future Resident Obama might want to remember it was democracy that got him there, not socialism.

Yesterday I stood in line for 2 1/2 hours to cast my vote. My hip hurt! My knees hurt! I had the intelligence to take my can along with me and I leaned on it most of the time to relieve the pressure and the pain. But, this was a historic election regardless of which way it went. We would either elect the oldest president ever and the first female VP, or we would elect the first no experience necessary mullato to the post. But it was my experience in line that was most impressive and most personal for me.

Two young black women were talking and I got in the conversation with them. I have never been one to be shy about jumping in and giving my opinion. We had a great conversation and it came out my husband taught at Morris College. One of the young women said, "get out of here! what's his name?" I told her Dr. Johnson. She said, "OMG! he's my teacher!" And she went on to rave about him. She is an older student and specifically requested his classes because she had asked other math majors, which of the teachers were the best, and his name kept coming up. She told me the reason his classes are so big is because everyone wants to get his classes. She related a story of how just a couple days before he had spent a couple hours with her helping her figure out how she could stay in class and still pass, while dealing with some personal issues. I won't go into those but it was those issues that got me into the conversation that led to this one. This young woman couldn't say enough good things about how wonderful he is as a teacher. How much he cares about his students and how they feel they can go to him about anything and know he will try to help. She did relate a funny story I hadn't heard yet and he had to laugh and say yes, it was true when I asked him. My husband loves halloween and is a big fan of the Halloween movies, so he gave 3 extra credit points to anyone who came to class and had the halloweeen movie theme on their cell phone. And that's another reason they like him. He brings fun into the classroom, but also takes the time to really teach. So, I wanted to pass that along here and say how proud that made me feel. I've always known he was a good teacher and the students liked him, but that was the first time I had heard a lot more than Hey Mrs. Johnson, I just stopped by to see my favorite teacher when will he be back?, when I'm sitting in his office.

And here's an upsetting voting happening. One of the other teachers, at the college, has a brother in Philadelphia, PA. He told her when he went to vote a large group of black Panthers were blocking the way for white voters and wouldn't let them in to vote. He is old and there was no one there to help the white voters get past them, so he didn't vote. The funny thing is he was going to vote for Obama! Interesting how they were so racist that because they were voting for Obama because he's part black, they presumed the whites were just as racist as them. Interesting.

So, now we move forward and resident elect Obama will be sworn in this coming January. I hope I'm wrong about him, but my gut tells me I'm not. We can only wait and see.

I have always been proud of my country and one election does not make me any less proud or any more proud. It is still my America. Still my country! and I will do whatever I can to save her and keep our freedoms and keep America the land of the free and the home of the brave.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

Funny, I was almost disappointed there WEREN'T lines in CT, for the just the reason you mention, getting to know and talk to people in line.

I am as disgusted as you over the actions of the Black Panthers in Philadelphia, but I do not think they represent the party any more than the people who put out those flyers in Virginia, or the robo-calls that tried to convince voters that because of the size of the turnout Democratic voters would vote on Wednesday. Or conservative radio host Jaz McKay of station KNZR likewise recently told listeners that Democrats should vote Nov. 5 instead of Nov. 4 because of expected heavy turnout Or the skinheads who plotted against Obama.

I hope you will give President Obama a chance.