Sunday, September 28, 2008
ZephyrBird Speaks out on John McCain....
...and why I have chosen to back him. I have recently posted some responses from news medias on the internet as a build up to my own comments. In a recent discussion with my sister, Victoria, via a scabble game of course, she asked why I had chosen McCain and I gave her a list of reasons. She said my reasons made sense, not that she agreed with my choice, but suggested I now start to post my reasons here. So here they go. I will not post it all here in this one missive as it would be too much to read at once and I for one hate to those looooonnnng missives and tend to either skip them or scan then. BTW, if you are for Obama and would rather read about him click on Victoria's name and check out her blog.
So here are some issues that are important to me.
It's the economy stupid! John McCain has had more experience working with the government and has not tolerance for pork barrel spending. He is stronger in his determination to remove this and veto all excess spending and bring the economy back under control. Also, I feel he is most sincere and determined to not raise our taxes and I have no problem with giving tax breaks to corporations to keep them in America or to encourage them to bring their business back to America and give jobs to American's who will then have more money to spend thus making the economy even stronger. Yes, he made jokes in the past about not knowing much about the economy, but in all seriousness I feel more comfortable that he would be the one to turn things around for us again.
Off shore drilling - I know a lot of environmentalists are against this, but hey, we can't have it both ways. Yes, we need to develop other energy sources, but in the meantime John McCain is more realistic realizing we have to drill at home. We can't say we don't want to be so dependent on foreign oil but don't drill in my backyard. Nuclear power is a clean source of energy and McCain has the plan to deal with this that also includes taking care of the environment and yes, we can have both. Remember, he has been a leader in the global warming issues and has had gone against Bush's stance that there is no such thing. He is one of the true biparitisan candidates on a lot of issues and that makes me feel comfortable. He won't be a blind follower of party policy but will do what is best for America, not what is best for the republican party.
I am a strong believer that our borders must be secured and John McCain has spoken strongly about the failure of our govt. to get those borders secured. I have nothing against immigration! Don't get me wrong. Those who come to our country legally, learn our laws, our language, work legally, open businesses, buy homes, cars, pay taxes, etc have the same rights as anyone born here. But the illegals are ruining our economy by taking jobs that YES Anerican's would do, but the illegals work for a lot less as they take the money or send the money back to Mexico where the American dollar is worth much more than it is here. They collect welfare, get free medical care by walking into an emergency room for any illness because you can't be turned away. Many of our ER's have been closed because they couldn't afford the cost of caring for these nonpaying patients.
Okay...that's enough for now... more to follow. Agree or disagree that is your right. But this is my time to make my statements and my stance on why I have chosen to back one candidate over the other.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Who really won the first debate?
Per the post I have below McCain won, and there are others who agree. There are some who say Obama won, but I tend to agree with this post by CNN... No one won!
Pundits: No clear-cut winner
CNN’s Anderson Cooper, shortly after the first presidential debate said, “there was not a sense the world had changed.”
That’s a pretty high bar to set for a debate. But at the same time, with this week’s headlines of impending financial collapse and a suspended presidential campaign—not to mention doubts that the debate would actually take place — perhaps only a world-changing showdown could have lived up to the hype.
For hours beforehand, pundits tried to get inside John McCain’s head. There were questions about his “temperament,” his “risk-taking”, and — as the Obama campaign might say — his “erratic” ways.
But when the “two prizefighters,” as NBC’s David Gregory called them, exited the stage, the attention shifted away from the chaotic past 48 hours and toward the previous 90 minutes.
Fox’s Brit Hume called it a “spirited debate,” but like other commentators, agreed that there was no standout moment that will be replayed on an endless loop.
“There was not in this debate, it didn’t seem to this observer anyway, one of the moment — that will be the sound bite of the night, that you know when you hear it — oh boy, that’s going to be the one on the morning programs, that’s going to be the one everybody’s talking about,” Hume said.
Moderator Jim Lehrer didn't grandstand like other high-profile journalists during the primaries, and engaged the candidates, courteously pushing them to provide more specifics on what they would actually do in office. There weren't any 'gotcha' questions to trip anyone up, or cause a major gaffe.
As expected, both campaigns claimed victory, and spin room surrogates appeared on screen to make their candidates’ case. Joe Biden appeared on all three cable networks, while Sarah Palin didn’t — leading CNN's Wolf Blitzer to bring up her absence several times.
Of course, some partisans were quick to offer conclusive opinions. MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann said that there was no doubt Obama won, while Fox’s Bill Kristol contended McCain won. No surprises there.
“There will be a deal this weekend, and he will be vindicated," Kristol said.
But for the most part, there was no knockout punch to easily give the victory to either Obama or McCain.
“I would have a hard time saying one person won this one,” said CNN’s David Gergen.
So without picking a clear-cut winner, many pundits analyzed the back and forth on stage, and who scored points here and there.
CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin spoke about Obama's frequent practice of saying that “McCain is right,” with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews dubbing it an “amen chorus.”
As for McCain's approach to his Democratic competitor, Matthews said that McCain “not once, in an hour and a half, did he look at his opponent.” Later, Matthews referred to McCain several times as "troll-like," and asked his guests and Ole Miss students outside about that description.
Some pundits questioned whether Obama appeared tough enough, or missed opportunities on the economy — especially with the perception in the media that McCain was against the ropes going into the debate.
“John McCain could have lost this race tonight,” said CNN Republican strategist Alex Castellanos. “I’d say a tie is a good thing for the guy who was behind.”
Why McCain Won the Debate
Why McCain Won the Debate
Saturday, September 27, 2008 2:44 PM
By: Christopher Ruddy Article Font Size
There is little question that John McCain “won” the first debate last night. Perhaps he lost on points (arguments) and style (how could he beat Mr. Smooth?), but McCain “won” over the audience, the only victory that counts.
Here’s what I saw and heard:
1. Any question that McCain is too old to run for office has been put to rest. He was sharp, on point and looked good, good enough, that is.
2. If the debate was held before the elite faculties of Harvard and Columbia, schools Obama attended, he would have won hands down. But this debate was held before the American public.
3. Obama was too smooth, too smart. Remember the “W. Factor.” Bush lost all the debates with John Kerry on style and substance. But Bush came across as more likeable. Ditto McCain.
4. Obama has a subtle, condescending speaking style. His hand gestures of constant pointing fingers, frequently raising his fingers to eye level, jabbing constantly, make’s one feel he’s lecturing us. Yes, Kennedy jabbed, but occasionally.
5. After, the debate I heard on a radio call in person say they listened to the debate on radio. Obama sounded like a professor. Bingo. Americans don’t elect professors president.
6. The debate opened on the economy. McCain should have scored much bigger points. He didn’t. He claimed Obama wanted to raise taxes. He should have rattled off specifics of Obama’s tax plan, including: removing the FICA tax cap, doubling the capital gains tax, increasing dividend taxes, letting the Bush tax cuts expire giving everyone an automatic tax increase, raising gasoline taxes, etc.
7. Obama also made some serious tactical mistakes. Twice in the debate he repeated the allegations of others, first saying he was “liberal” and later saying he was “naive.” Repeating labels is a no no.
8. McCain came across as authentic. This elusive quality is difficult to manufacture, and a key reason Obama can’t compete on this score. McCain smartly pointed out how Obama became a born again earmark and pork fighter – after he started running for president.
9. Obama came across as slick trying to making himself sound more moderate than his record demonstrates. He says he doesn’t really want to spend $800 billion on new programs; he really isn’t the most liberal member of the Senate; he doesn’t really want to meet with dictators like Ahmadinejad; and so on.
10. McCain demonstrated he doesn’t simply talk a good talk, but has walked the walk. He has been a long time enemy of earmarks. And he has been a fighter who has crossed the partisan divide time and again. Obama simply has no such record.
11. McCain’s strength was foreign policy. It showed. Obama did seem “naïve.” McCain won the “don’t meet with rogue leaders without preconditions” argument. Obama’s answers sounded like he was flip-flopping on his original statement.
12. On Iran, again one of the most contentious issues, McCain won because his comments grasped the gravity of the crisis.
13. Where McCain lost was on the Iraq war and the surge. Yes, McCain has been right on the surge and Obama has been wrong. But McCain came across as heavily invested in the idea of the war (creating a democracy in Iraq) and unwilling to flexibly respond to reality. Make no mistake about it: this is an unpopular war that is costing us a trillion dollars so far. On CNN I watched the audience meter as McCain talked about the war and its “success.” The meter showed Independent voters clearly tracking in “negative” territory, clearly in line with Democrats.
In sum, McCain had the most to lose from this debate. Obama is known as the great public speaker. McCain did more than hold his own. And most importantly he demonstrated several things that will resonate with voters.
First, he is ready on day one to be ready Commander in Chief.
Second, he can be trusted. His word is good.
Third, he is one of us.
© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Breaking News!!! and other news items
1. McCain will be at tonights debate!!! Yea!!!
2. The latest poll - McCain pulls ahead!
Zogby: McCain Takes the Lead
Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:07 PM
By: David Alliot Article Font Size
The very latest poll numbers from John Zogby put John McCain squarely ahead of Barack Obama at 46 percent to 44 percent, respectively.
McCain moved from three percentage points behind Obama to two points ahead of the democratic candidate in less than a week. One possible reason for the boost — McCain’s decision to forego politics as usual to focus on the current financial meltdown. The polling was conducted after McCain’s announcement that he would suspend his campaign.
Independent voters played a key role in the latest figures: McCain now leads with independents by nine points, 43 percent to 34 percent.
The survey was conducted on Sept. 23-25, 2008, with 4,752 likely voters and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 1.5 percentage points.
© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved. Link to article.
3. Bill Clinton Has High Praise For McCain
By: Jim Meyers Article Font Size
Bill Clinton opened his Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York on Thursday with high praise for Republican presidential nominee John McCain as well as his rival Barack Obama.
Introducing McCain at the gathering, Clinton pointed out that his wife Hillary and McCain took a congressional delegation on a climate change fact-finding mission to Alaska.
“I want to say one thing in particular about John McCain in bringing him out here,” Clinton said.
“When most people in his party were thinking that global warming was overstated … he decided to look into it.
“He and the junior senator from New York, with whom I have a passing acquaintance, took two astonishing trips.”
Clinton directed a comment to GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who was in attendance, saying that one trip was to “your state, to Point Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost community in the United States, where the Eskimos told them they thought their way of life was coming to an end because of changes in the climate.”
Clinton stressed that McCain’s work on global warming was not to score political points. “He just wanted to know and they dragged along some very skeptical Republican senators who now are prepared to vote for some kind of bipartisan legislation, which will put America in a position to be a part of what is coming up by 2010, which is figuring out where we go next in the struggle against climate change.
“John McCain wants to know and I am profoundly grateful to him [for] coming here today.”
McCain took the podium next and the two got a laugh when Clinton accidentally took McCain’s speech when he picked up his own, Fox News reported. McCain quipped, “What kind of a host is that?”
McCain returned the former President’s praise and said: “This man’s drive and determination and compassion for those in need are still a force for good in the world, and I am proud to call him a friend.”
Barack Obama also addressed the Clinton Global Initiative via satellite from Florida. Before he spoke, Clinton praised him for rearranging his schedule to be able to speak to the gathering.
(And this shows why Obama should have picked Hilary for his running mate. The first time he has to make a decision that will affect the nation did he go to his running mate? NO! he went to Hilary and Bill Clinton to tellhimw hat to think and what to say).
Clinton disclosed that Obama contacted both him and his wife for advice on the current crisis. “He said this: ‘Just tell me what you think [we] ought to do and do not waste any breath talking about what is - or is not - politically salable. Let’s figure out what the right thing to do is and then we’ll figure out how to sell it.’” Link to article.
© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
2. The latest poll - McCain pulls ahead!
Zogby: McCain Takes the Lead
Thursday, September 25, 2008 3:07 PM
By: David Alliot Article Font Size
The very latest poll numbers from John Zogby put John McCain squarely ahead of Barack Obama at 46 percent to 44 percent, respectively.
McCain moved from three percentage points behind Obama to two points ahead of the democratic candidate in less than a week. One possible reason for the boost — McCain’s decision to forego politics as usual to focus on the current financial meltdown. The polling was conducted after McCain’s announcement that he would suspend his campaign.
Independent voters played a key role in the latest figures: McCain now leads with independents by nine points, 43 percent to 34 percent.
The survey was conducted on Sept. 23-25, 2008, with 4,752 likely voters and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 1.5 percentage points.
© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved. Link to article.
3. Bill Clinton Has High Praise For McCain
By: Jim Meyers Article Font Size
Bill Clinton opened his Global Initiative’s annual meeting in New York on Thursday with high praise for Republican presidential nominee John McCain as well as his rival Barack Obama.
Introducing McCain at the gathering, Clinton pointed out that his wife Hillary and McCain took a congressional delegation on a climate change fact-finding mission to Alaska.
“I want to say one thing in particular about John McCain in bringing him out here,” Clinton said.
“When most people in his party were thinking that global warming was overstated … he decided to look into it.
“He and the junior senator from New York, with whom I have a passing acquaintance, took two astonishing trips.”
Clinton directed a comment to GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, who was in attendance, saying that one trip was to “your state, to Point Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost community in the United States, where the Eskimos told them they thought their way of life was coming to an end because of changes in the climate.”
Clinton stressed that McCain’s work on global warming was not to score political points. “He just wanted to know and they dragged along some very skeptical Republican senators who now are prepared to vote for some kind of bipartisan legislation, which will put America in a position to be a part of what is coming up by 2010, which is figuring out where we go next in the struggle against climate change.
“John McCain wants to know and I am profoundly grateful to him [for] coming here today.”
McCain took the podium next and the two got a laugh when Clinton accidentally took McCain’s speech when he picked up his own, Fox News reported. McCain quipped, “What kind of a host is that?”
McCain returned the former President’s praise and said: “This man’s drive and determination and compassion for those in need are still a force for good in the world, and I am proud to call him a friend.”
Barack Obama also addressed the Clinton Global Initiative via satellite from Florida. Before he spoke, Clinton praised him for rearranging his schedule to be able to speak to the gathering.
(And this shows why Obama should have picked Hilary for his running mate. The first time he has to make a decision that will affect the nation did he go to his running mate? NO! he went to Hilary and Bill Clinton to tellhimw hat to think and what to say).
Clinton disclosed that Obama contacted both him and his wife for advice on the current crisis. “He said this: ‘Just tell me what you think [we] ought to do and do not waste any breath talking about what is - or is not - politically salable. Let’s figure out what the right thing to do is and then we’ll figure out how to sell it.’” Link to article.
© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Ah!! wonderful weather day!
Today is one of those days that makes you happy to be alive. Oh, not because anything wonderful has happened. In fact if not for the perfect weather this would be one of those perfectly miserable days we have here in good old swampland usa. But today the air is cool, there's just enough breeze to keep it moving and give the air the feeling we get back north when autumn is being ushered in. Normally we don't get days like this here this early in the season, but I think the recent hurricanes have changed things a bit for us weather wise here. And I am enjoying it! The leaves have changed in some areas already! not that we get anything close to the specatacular display mother natures gives up north, but it's enough to remind us that yes, fall is here, and all the good things that come with it. Halloween! Thanksgiving! and being able to take walks without fear of dying from heat exhaustion. Ah..yes, it's a wonderful day to be alive!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Ginger Gold Apples
While shopping I always pick up at least apples and bananas and try to find something unique. Last Friday I found something called Ginger Gold Apples. If you enjoy apples and have never tried these I recommend you do. They are soft enough you don't hurt your teeth biting into them, but still crispy and somehow manage to be sweet and tangy at the same time. I did some research online and found out they ripen early in the fall and don't store well so if you want to try them you better get out and get them while they're still in the produce department. They are available through November so you don't have to rush out this minute, but next time you pass the produce dept. you might want to grab some of these and give them a try.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday morning, just before waking, I had a strange dream. I dreamt my friend Jackie, myself, and my sister Linda (who lives in Erie, PA) were all at a hotel together. Jackie wanted us to eat breakfast there but I told her I had to call my mother and see what she would be making for dinner, on our arrival. My mom said she would be making potroast. So, I told Jackie we shouldn't eat because we wouldn't be hungry when we got to my mom's house. But Jackie was very insistant so I made myself an english muffin sandwich of scrambled eggs and bacon. When I woke up I was stuffed! Not hungry as I usually am upon waking. The strange part is my sister and I and Jackie would never have occassion to travel together, but even stranger when I told my mom she said she had woke up that morning thinking about getting the a roast out of the freezer and making potroast the next day. When I told my sister, Linda, she asked if my pillow was still there... no, I hadn't eaten my pilllow! But now I wonder did my mom's thoughts affect my dream or did my dream affect my mom's thoughts?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dementia or just forgetful?
This is serving extra duty on my myspace and blogs because it is just too funny!!
The other evening, my friend, Cyndi and I went to a book signing. Because we like to support the local artists we purchased a copy of the book, for my husband. Later that night she called to ask him if he was enjoying it. After they talked she and I talked about other books and she mentioned she had been 200 pages into the current book she was reading before she realized she'd already read it! We had a good laugh about that. As it happens, with us, talk of books lead to chat about movies and she told me of one she had recently watched. She doesn't own a tv or dvd player, but watches them on her computer. The movie is called Choices and it sounded like one I would really enjoy. I asked my husband if he had it, in his massive DVD collection, and he said, "yes, we've watched it and you liked it." Cyndi and I both cracked up over that and she questioned if perhaps we were both entering a senile dementia phase or just getting more forgetful as we are both 60. I prefer the latter. So fast forward to this morning. I got up to feed the cats and take some milkbones to the dogs next door. I got dressed in my casual pull on pants. You know the kind I mean. The ones with the elastic waist band so we aren't as aware of our increasing waist lines. Later I went to get my cell phone and stick it in my pocket only to discover the pockets were facing the wrong way! I am getting just a little bit worried.
The other evening, my friend, Cyndi and I went to a book signing. Because we like to support the local artists we purchased a copy of the book, for my husband. Later that night she called to ask him if he was enjoying it. After they talked she and I talked about other books and she mentioned she had been 200 pages into the current book she was reading before she realized she'd already read it! We had a good laugh about that. As it happens, with us, talk of books lead to chat about movies and she told me of one she had recently watched. She doesn't own a tv or dvd player, but watches them on her computer. The movie is called Choices and it sounded like one I would really enjoy. I asked my husband if he had it, in his massive DVD collection, and he said, "yes, we've watched it and you liked it." Cyndi and I both cracked up over that and she questioned if perhaps we were both entering a senile dementia phase or just getting more forgetful as we are both 60. I prefer the latter. So fast forward to this morning. I got up to feed the cats and take some milkbones to the dogs next door. I got dressed in my casual pull on pants. You know the kind I mean. The ones with the elastic waist band so we aren't as aware of our increasing waist lines. Later I went to get my cell phone and stick it in my pocket only to discover the pockets were facing the wrong way! I am getting just a little bit worried.
Friday, September 19, 2008
In this day and age....
It boggles my mind that in this day and age there are still people who don't know how to use a computer. I have a friend here who has one, but won't get connected to the internet because she is afraid of hackers and viruses. Even after explaining about virus protection programs she refuses to go online. When she needs to use a computer she will either go to the library or come here for help. One of the things she finds amazing is how quickly I can find things on the internet. She spent two hours the other day, at the library, trying to find the address for NBC. After she got frustrated at finding everything but the address she called and came over here. Within two minutes I found the information she needed. No, I'm not a computer whiz but I can find my way around google. Google is my friend. I'm not complaining because it is fun to help her and there is a price she must pay. While here she must to go and rate the slams as her payment for my services and use of the computer. And no, she doesn't always rate mine the highest but rates the poems as she sees them. She is part of my poetry group so her ratings are educated and thoughout. Maybe someday I'll convince her it's okay to go online and yes there are viruses but there aren't demons on every site looking to destroy her data on her computer. Oh, she does use her computer for word processing and to watch DVD's. does boggle my mind!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Celebrity Endorsements
As everyone probably knows by now, Joan Baez came out today, endorsing Barack Obama. So, I decided to see if anyone famous had endorsed my first choice, Ron Paul, and got the shock of my life. Okay, I know Ron Paul is no longer in the running but this is still pretty cool. My second choice, Hillary Clinton, is also no longer in the picture...but check this out for Ron Paul!
Now Ron Paul has announced the endorsement of Arlo Guthrie.
"I love this guy," the legendary songwriter-singer whose creation, "Alice's Restaurant," has become a cult classic, wrote in an announcement issued by the Paul campaign.
"Dr. Paul is the only candidate I know of who would have signed the Constitution of the United States had he been there," Guthrie said. "I'm with him, because he seems to be the only candidate who actually believes it has as much relevance today as it did a couple of hundred years ago.
"I look forward to the day when we can work out the differences we have with the same revolutionary vision and enthusiasm that is our American legacy," he said.
The announcement, which carried the telephone number of the Paul campaign, offered to set up interviews with Guthrie, and when WND made that request, the campaign said it could try, but Guthrie has a "limited schedule."
Guthrie, the son of Woody Guthrie, grew up surrounded by some of the greats of American music, including Pete Seeger and Leadbelly, and witnessed the transition from ballad singers to singer-songwriters such as Bob Dylan, Jim Croce and Joan Baez, according to a profile on his website.
Friday, September 12, 2008
This is not a negative post, but a post of defining words. When I stated Barack Obama was not black, but a mulatto this did not go over well with some people. I will now use the definitions of words to state my case.
mu·lat·to /Pronunciation noun, plural -toes, adjective
–noun 1. the offspring of one white parent and one black parent:
2. a person whose ancestry is a mixture of Negro and Caucasian.
–adjective 3. of a light-brown color.
For those who think I should have said bi-racial here is why I did not.
bi·ra·cial/ –adjective consisting of, representing, or combining members of two separate races: a biracial committee on neighborhood problems.
Two separate races which is a much broader term which could mean any number of races - Chinese, Japanese, Indian, American Indian, Asian, Malaysian, Laotian, Pakastani, etc, etc, etc. Any combination of these or other races would be considered bi-racial. The only term that describes a black/negro and white/caucasion mix is mulatto.
So, this is why I use the terms offered, in the English language, to clarify the difference. If anyone is offended by the word then that is an issue they will have to deal with on their own. Mulatto is a perfectly wonderful word and the correct term for Barack Obama.
To clarify again...this is not a negative post about Barack Obama, just a clarification of my use of the term mulatto in reference to him. In my personal opinion, I think mulatto is a beautiful word that describes a beautiful race of people. I don't see it as derogatory in any sense. I hope others can see the beauty of the word as well and embrace it for what it is.
mu·lat·to /Pronunciation noun, plural -toes, adjective
–noun 1. the offspring of one white parent and one black parent:
2. a person whose ancestry is a mixture of Negro and Caucasian.
–adjective 3. of a light-brown color.
For those who think I should have said bi-racial here is why I did not.
bi·ra·cial/ –adjective consisting of, representing, or combining members of two separate races: a biracial committee on neighborhood problems.
Two separate races which is a much broader term which could mean any number of races - Chinese, Japanese, Indian, American Indian, Asian, Malaysian, Laotian, Pakastani, etc, etc, etc. Any combination of these or other races would be considered bi-racial. The only term that describes a black/negro and white/caucasion mix is mulatto.
So, this is why I use the terms offered, in the English language, to clarify the difference. If anyone is offended by the word then that is an issue they will have to deal with on their own. Mulatto is a perfectly wonderful word and the correct term for Barack Obama.
To clarify again...this is not a negative post about Barack Obama, just a clarification of my use of the term mulatto in reference to him. In my personal opinion, I think mulatto is a beautiful word that describes a beautiful race of people. I don't see it as derogatory in any sense. I hope others can see the beauty of the word as well and embrace it for what it is.
I didn't want to believe it....
...but yes it's true! Today, at 6 PM on QVC, James Taylor will be on live selling his newest album "Covers". Sigh.... It's bad enough that the music of the 60's is now being used to sell face creams and laxatives, but this...this is just too much!
Friday, September 12, 2008
05:00 - 06:00 PM ET
Winner of 5 GRAMMY Awards, the Billboard Magazine Century Award and a 2000 Inductee into the Rock And Roll Hall of Fame, James Taylor remains the quintessential singer/songwriter almost 4 decades after his breakthrough album “Sweet Baby James” in 1970. Now, one of the most recognized voices in popular music brings his distinctive style to QVC® with his latest release, “Covers,” featuring Taylor's unique interpretations of the songs and artists that have influenced his illustrious career. Join James Taylor for a very special Q Sessions Live performance in our studio, hear some of his new material plus some of your favorite songs, and reserve your copy of “Covers” (with a special bonus disc created especially for QVC) before it hits the stores. Release date subject to change without notice.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
New James Taylor album will be all covers
James Taylor, who has routinely supplemented his self-penned chart hits with takes on classic tunes such as 'Handy Man,' 'Up on the Roof' and 'Mockingbird,' is set to release an entire collection of remakes, spanning three decades of pop, soul and country music.
The imaginatively titled 'Covers,' is due Sept. 30 on Starbucks' Hear Music label, and will be available at both traditional retail outlets (aka "record stores") and at Starbucks.
Taylor and his 'Band of Legends,' with whom he's been touring this summer, have put their unique stamp on everything from Big Mama Thornton's 'Hound Dog' and Junior Walker & the All-Stars' '(I'm A) Road Runner,' to Leonard Cohen's 'Suzanne' and Glen Campbell's 'Wichita Lineman.'
'Covers' is Taylor's first studio set since 2002's 'October Road,' and his second for Hear Music. He partnered with the label to release 'One Man Band,' a live CD/DVD collection, last November.
The 'Covers' track listing:
'It's Growing'
'(I'm A) Road Runner'
'Wichita Lineman'
'Why Baby Why'
'Some Days You Gotta Dance'
'Seminole Wind'
'Hound Dog'
'On Broadway'
'Summertime Blues'
'Not Fade Away'
Thursday, September 11, 2008
American Pie and Top 10's
Last night, on Wheel of Fortune, one of the puzzles was a before and after and the answer was American and Rhubarb Pie. Just as I began to sing bye bye Miss American Pie, drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry, Keith said, "oh yeah, the movie." We had to laugh because that is one basic difference in us. I am very word/song oriented and he is very movie oriented. Of course, then we started talking about the movie which lead to discussions of other movies and then he mentioned on movie I like and I said, well, you know it's because it has one of my top 10 in it. Your top 10 what, he asks, and I say my top 10 sexiest male actors. He laughed at that and said yep, along with...and actually named a few more he knows I like. So, I said maybe I'll post my top 10 list on my blog and he said, maybe he would make his own top 10 list of his pick for the top 10 sexiest female actors. So, without further ado here are our top 10 lists! I'll bet your on pins and needles waiting!
Bonnie's top 10 list.........................Keith's top 10 list
1. Samuel L. Jackson......................1. Pamela Franklin
2. Pierce Brosnan...........................2. Uma Thurman
3. Nicholas Cage............................3. Brenda Scott
4. Hugh Laurie.............................. 4. Sarah Polley
5. Dick Van Dyke............................5. Phoebe Cates
6. Denzel Washington..................... 6. Joanna Going
7. Benecio Del Toro.........................7. Carol Lynley
8. James Spader.............................8. Heather Graham
9. Morgan Freeman........................ 9. Mayram D'Abo
10. Kevn Spacey...........................10. Dominque Swain
Keith says his list is subject to change.
Bonnie's top 10 list.........................Keith's top 10 list
1. Samuel L. Jackson......................1. Pamela Franklin
2. Pierce Brosnan...........................2. Uma Thurman
3. Nicholas Cage............................3. Brenda Scott
4. Hugh Laurie.............................. 4. Sarah Polley
5. Dick Van Dyke............................5. Phoebe Cates
6. Denzel Washington..................... 6. Joanna Going
7. Benecio Del Toro.........................7. Carol Lynley
8. James Spader.............................8. Heather Graham
9. Morgan Freeman........................ 9. Mayram D'Abo
10. Kevn Spacey...........................10. Dominque Swain
Keith says his list is subject to change.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Adventure in car maintenance
This morning the air bag light, in my husband's car, was flashing. So, after dropping him off at work I took it to Meineke to have the battery checked. The battery was fine but one of the computer modules for the airbag isn't. I say isn't because it still isn't. It would have cost over $500 to replace it. I asked what would happen if we didn't and the mechanic, very seriously replied, "your light will keep flashing." Well, gee, I can live with that. Oh and the airbags won't work either, but hey, we lived without airbags for years so I guess we can do without now. During the inspection he did find the serpentine belt needed replaced. I already knew that and told him to go ahead and do that. So a 15 minute stop to have the battery checked ended up with me sitting there for 2 1/2 hours! Good thing I had paper and pen so I could write and they had some interesting magazines to leaf through. I spent some time chatting with another customer, so the time passed nicely, but it was time passed that I had wanted to spend putting together the new CD shelves I got for Keith last night.
We had one nice wire shelf unit that sat on top a bookcase, but I guess we overloaded it because when I got up yesterday morning it was leaning forward and some of the CD's were on their way out. I quickly emptied it and then last night went out and got a wooden shelving unit. That was a hoot in itself. I went to the local Kmart and one of the managers was walking past so I asked -"where would I find a CD shelf unit?" He stared at me blankly. So I tried again... "where would I find a wooden shelving unit for CD's?" He still had that blank look and responded, "CD shelving units?" Okay.... then a I had an inspiration. "It's like a bookcase but you put CD's on it." Oh, that would be in the furniture dept. It wasn't. When I got back there I was directed to the electronics unit. Go figure! Yep, there they were. So, the shelves still sit in the box waiting for me to assemle them. In the meantime, the CD's are boxed up and out of harms way. Well, almost time to get going here so here's hoping you all have smooth roads and no hurricanes.
We had one nice wire shelf unit that sat on top a bookcase, but I guess we overloaded it because when I got up yesterday morning it was leaning forward and some of the CD's were on their way out. I quickly emptied it and then last night went out and got a wooden shelving unit. That was a hoot in itself. I went to the local Kmart and one of the managers was walking past so I asked -"where would I find a CD shelf unit?" He stared at me blankly. So I tried again... "where would I find a wooden shelving unit for CD's?" He still had that blank look and responded, "CD shelving units?" Okay.... then a I had an inspiration. "It's like a bookcase but you put CD's on it." Oh, that would be in the furniture dept. It wasn't. When I got back there I was directed to the electronics unit. Go figure! Yep, there they were. So, the shelves still sit in the box waiting for me to assemle them. In the meantime, the CD's are boxed up and out of harms way. Well, almost time to get going here so here's hoping you all have smooth roads and no hurricanes.
TV watching
In response to another post I was told a certain show was a comedy and I would know that if I watched it. My response was I don't watch a lot of tv so have to be picky about what I do watch. This is a true statement and I wonder if the shows have really gotten that bad or is it just me? The TV is never on during the day unless my husband is home. He has fallen in love with Roseanne so tapes that and crosswords for me. When he gets home from work Roseanne is on while I make dinner and we watch crosswords after that. Then it's time to clean up the kitchen and I do watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. If it's a 5:30 morning to get up the next day that's pretty much it. We do watch House but generally tape it and watch it the next morning. If there's something going on in the world we want to know about it we do put on the news, but since one major news channel is liberal the other conservative you don't get fair and balanced political coverage on either, so we take anything they say about the opposite party with a grain of salt and do our own research. I guess that's one thing I've learned in my life - never make a judgement based on what someone else tells you is true or it's what you should believe. Just because someone else thinks it is the absolute right doesn't make it right. I have tried to watch a few of the new shows but find them lacking and boring. Me, I prefer a good book or writing my poetry or spending time online playing scrabble. While doing housework I generally put on an audio book or music. And yes, I do sing along with my karaoke machine when the muse moves me. All these things are more stimulating than sitting in front of a tv watching someone get blown up, or listening to canned laughter over a bad comedy, or listening to someone spout rhetoric about their personal political views. We figure we're both intelligent, educated adults capable of doing research and making a decision. Personally we're getting close to following John Prine's advice in his song Spanish Pipedreams. If you don't know it here are the lyrics.
She was a level-headed dancer on the road to alcohol
And I was just a soldier on my way to Montreal
Well she pressed her chest against me
About the time the juke box broke
Yeah, she gave me a peck on the back of the neck
And these are the words she spoke
Blow up your T.V. throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try an find Jesus on your own
Well, I sat there at the table and I acted real naive
For I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve
Well, she danced around the bar room and she did the hoochy-coo
Yeah she sang her song all night long, tellin' me what to do
Repeat chorus:
Well, I was young and hungry and about to leave that place
When just as I was leavin', well she looked me in the face
I said "You must know the answer."
"She said, "No but I'll give it a try."
And to this very day we've been livin' our way
And here is the reason why
We blew up our T.V. threw away our paper
Went to the country, built us a home
Had a lot of children, fed 'em on peaches
They all found Jesus on their own
She was a level-headed dancer on the road to alcohol
And I was just a soldier on my way to Montreal
Well she pressed her chest against me
About the time the juke box broke
Yeah, she gave me a peck on the back of the neck
And these are the words she spoke
Blow up your T.V. throw away your paper
Go to the country, build you a home
Plant a little garden, eat a lot of peaches
Try an find Jesus on your own
Well, I sat there at the table and I acted real naive
For I knew that topless lady had something up her sleeve
Well, she danced around the bar room and she did the hoochy-coo
Yeah she sang her song all night long, tellin' me what to do
Repeat chorus:
Well, I was young and hungry and about to leave that place
When just as I was leavin', well she looked me in the face
I said "You must know the answer."
"She said, "No but I'll give it a try."
And to this very day we've been livin' our way
And here is the reason why
We blew up our T.V. threw away our paper
Went to the country, built us a home
Had a lot of children, fed 'em on peaches
They all found Jesus on their own
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Why I love the Tampa Bay Bucs!
If there is one team that never lets me down, it's the Bucs! They are the one team I can always count on to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Take today's game for example. They were playing the Saints and with minutes to go were down 24-20 BUT they had the ball and were on the Saints 24 yard line. They were hot! Completing passes and looking unlike the Bucs I knew and loved. Then with seconds to go and a sure win with a completed pass and short run into the end zone, Jeff Garcia threw a pass to his wide receiver Antonio! I don't know where Bryant's brain went in those final seconds, but the Saints wide receiver Fujita simply stepped...yes, stepped in front of Bryant and intercepted the pass. He didn't have to scramble, run, make a heroic play...he just stepped over and caught the ball. Yep, the Tampa Bay Bucs are alive and well and still keeping me entertained!
Politics as usual
As the election grows closer more and more bloggers are posting anti-missives about the candidate they aren't voting for. I did that once and was told to use my space to post about the one I was backing. So, I say the same to all you. The problem is those who are against Obama are going to find all the negative stuff they can about him, and it is massive, and post that on their blogs. Those who oppose McCain will do the same. And lately it seems the dems are more afraid of Palin and that Obama is running against Palin! What a hoot! Some of us actually research both sides and weigh the pros and cons of both parties and candidates and base our decision on those findings. The problem is for some it is all about the party. We must get the dems back into office...why? They've screwed up and messed up just as much as the pubs. So, why the hard party lines? Vote the issues people! It's the issues stupid! not the party. So, this is my last post on politics. I do urge everyone to do as I did. Read as much as you can on both the presidential candidates and their vp candidates and make an intellectual decision. It may not agree with mine, it may not agree with your neighbors or husband or... but it will be the right choice for you and you need to vote your concience not vote what someone else tells you is right. So, go to the polls informed and ready. But vote!
Monday, September 1, 2008
My Husband is the only person I know who....
.... roots for a football team based on whether their state is a red state or a blue state! I guess everyone has their own system. This was a big weekend for college football, as the NFL hasn't started yet. The only college team I'm really interested in, though, is Penn State and JoPa. This will be the last year he'll be on the sidelines as coach. He is such an icon of Penn State it's hard to imagine him actually retiring. This will be his 43rd! year as coach of the Nittany Lions. 43 years! And before that he was assistant coach for 16 years. For crying out loud, he's only 81 years old! So, I will watch every game I can this season. I would watch every Penn State game, but we have one problem. We live in SC and if dumb old Clemson, or USCarolina, or even the NC team is playing, at the same time, we get those dumb games instead of the real college game of Penn State. As for JoPa retiring... I'll believe it when I see it!
At this point...
At this point I am still unsure which way my ballot will go in November. Despite some who think I have chosen McCain I have not made any decision at all. I am simply weighing the pros and cons of both tickets. The problem is I have more I don't like about Obama, the top of the democratic ticket, than I do about McCain. The problem is I don't like Biden at all and never liked him from the start and feel Obama's first executive decision was a poor one. Remember this is the guy who made the comment "you can't go into a 7-11 unless you have a slight Indian accent." So he has established himself as a bigot. In 1987 he was forced to pull out of the presidential race due to allegations of plagiarism. Yet Obama chose him. Hmmmmm.....
While I don't agree with a lot of what Palin brings to the table, she does bring a gutsy take no guff attitude and does impress me with her sticking with her beliefs regardless of popular polls. She doesn't sway on the issues like the others. So, far none of the candidates has my confidence. So, I will keep weighing the issues and remind myself of the belief's of the real Native Americans - every decision we make we should weigh how it will affect the next seven generations. Too many are only concerned with how we will affect "me" or "I" but now about the generations to come. Maybe that's why it's called the NOW generation. It's still awhile to November so I will keep listening, keep mulling over the issues, and when I walk in that booth it will be my personal vote and no one elses business.
If you want all the reasons why you shouldn't vote for Palin go to my sister's blog.
In the meantime, yes, the scales are leaning towards McCain, but nothing is etched in stone. So, I'll keep those scales out for weighing in on the issues! It aint over until the fat lady sings...and I'm still warming up my vocal chords.
While I don't agree with a lot of what Palin brings to the table, she does bring a gutsy take no guff attitude and does impress me with her sticking with her beliefs regardless of popular polls. She doesn't sway on the issues like the others. So, far none of the candidates has my confidence. So, I will keep weighing the issues and remind myself of the belief's of the real Native Americans - every decision we make we should weigh how it will affect the next seven generations. Too many are only concerned with how we will affect "me" or "I" but now about the generations to come. Maybe that's why it's called the NOW generation. It's still awhile to November so I will keep listening, keep mulling over the issues, and when I walk in that booth it will be my personal vote and no one elses business.
If you want all the reasons why you shouldn't vote for Palin go to my sister's blog.
In the meantime, yes, the scales are leaning towards McCain, but nothing is etched in stone. So, I'll keep those scales out for weighing in on the issues! It aint over until the fat lady sings...and I'm still warming up my vocal chords.
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