Saturday, October 13, 2007

Do you know the way....

Last night after Jeopardy, and yes I am such an addict I even watched the Kids Week and am proud to announce I am smarter than a 5th grader, Keith put on a football game. The teams were Hawaii and San Jose (college football). Keith was for Hawaii becuse they were 6-0 to that point. I said I was for San Jose and he said, do you know the way to San Jose? I looked at him and said, "of course not! you know I don't have any sense of direction" and reminded him of the card I sent my dad last Father's Day. On the outside it said "thanks for trying to keep me headed in the right direction" and inside it said "but I still don't know north from south or those other two directions." He looked at me and said, "nooo, I meant are you for them because of that song." Oh well, yeah.

Now not too long ago in the distant past Hawaii was known as the Rainbows and they had these cute little rainbows on their helmets. I took it as a bad omen for San Jose when, due to a rainstorm prior to the game, a rainbow appeared over the stadium. But Hawaii had changed their name to the Warriors so maybe, just maybe it was a sign for San Jose.

As the game progressed San Jose pulled ahead by two then three touchdowns and it was their game. Except Hawaii remembered their 6-0 and that they wanted to make it a 7-0 and in the fourth quarter tied the score to 35-35 and the game went into overtime. San Jose chose to receive and Hawaii chose to make a touchdown. The ball is now San Jose's and yes! they're going to answer back with their own touchdown. Well, they would have if some rude Hawaii player hadn't intercepted the ball in the end zone! End score Hawaii 42 San Jose 35.

What surprised me most though wasn't the game, or the score, or even the end zone interception. It was the hair! I have never seen so much long hair on a football field! One guy had really frizzy hair that went all the way down his back! So, I ask my husband are they allowed to grab the hair to make a tackle? I mean, it seems if you put it out there than dangnabit it should be up for grabs. He didn't know, but I never saw another player grab any hair. I thought jocks were a clean cut crowd. What also surprised me was how many fat players were out there. Long hair and fat bodies. Hmmmmmm....

My husbands big complaint about the game? It was so cold there the cheerleaders were all bundled up!


Anonymous said...

I really think schools should be required to provide sideline heating adequate to solve this problem of cheerleader overattire.

Victoria said...

I think they should make the football players wear the skimpy outfits so we can all enjoy the attire rather than what they are doing otherwise. I mean, how many people who watch the cheerleaders actually know the CHEERS???