Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Who said cats aren't smart?

Every morning, between 5:30 and 6 a.m. I go out to get the morning paper, and feed two stray cats who come around for breakfast. I like to feed them early because if they don't come at that time they'll surely be there as we're leaving and then I feel guilty if I don't take the time to give them breakfast.

So, the other morning I go out to get the paper and I'm calling Scarface! Little Friend! and I hear a meowing from the guys house next door. On his SUV is his cat that I usually see sitting inside looking out the window. The cat keeps meowing and indicating it wants to go in. I told it I was sorry but I didn't live there so couldn't let it in and it would have to wait until the guy got up to let it in. Well, my two strays didn't come around, but next time I looked out the cat, from next door, was sitting outside our door meowing to be let in. Well, I had said I couldn't let it in next door because I didn't live there so it figured it would just come in where I did live. I opened the door and saw Scarface out there, so went to feed him and the neighbor cat decided it would be better off going home. Whew! At least it didn't get into a row with Scarface aka Snagglebutt. Haven't seen it out since, so figure it's sticking close to the home fires and not venturing out these days.

Other than's still too hot and humid for me. I love it when people say it's not the heat, it's the humidity. Uh uh! It's the heat AND the humidity. Still playing chauffer to Keith while he has to continue to wear the walking boot. He goes in Thursday for another Xray to make sure it's healing right. Please!!!!!

That's all the news from the homefront here. Hope everyone is well.

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